If you can use Nail Arts, play Nailmaster’s Glory and Fragile Strength, if you can’t, play Defender’s Crest and Soul Eater. If you’re better up close, pick Mark of Pride, if you’re better from distance, put Elegy on. Setup: Grubberfly’s Elegy OR Mark of Pride, Shaman Stone, Quick Slash, Defender’s Crest OR Nailmaster’s Glory, Soul Eater OR Fragile Strength.Ī lot of ways to beat it. Make sure to utilize dash/double jump properly, don’t hit him out from stagger before bees attack ends if you have troubles with dodging him and bees together. Setup: Fragile Strength, Grubberfly’s Elegy, Quick Slash, Defender’s Crest, Soul Eater.

The only difference is that you probably can’t kill enraged oblobble before he does his attack, but dreamshield might be worth it. If you have troubles with dodging while using setup 1, try this one. Setup 2: Shaman Stone, Dreamshield, Longnail, Stone Catcher, Soul Eater. At the point when one of them dies, you should be able to finish the fight via multiple Shade Souls/Abyss Shrieks before enraged oblobble does his attack. Okay, so hit them very carefully, try to stay at one corner of the map(leftmost or rightmost), abuse walls and use Shade Soul/Abyss Shriek to hit both of them. Setup 1: Mark of Pride, Shaman Stone, Stone Catcher, Spell Twister, Soul Eater. If you’re capable, use Abyss Shriek for extra damage. Same as before, but quicker and now you have to dash one second after they do double circle attack(since the third Mantis will downstrike you shortly afterwards) or use Descending Dark for i-frames. Grubberfly’s Elegy is here for hitting multiple Mantises, and Steady Body to make sure you don’t knockback into one of the three bosses. Setup: Fragile Strength, Grubberfly’s Elegy, Steady Body, Quick Slash, Sharp Shadow. Put Shaman Stone and use spells if you’re skilled enough since Abyss Shriek does a lot of damage, put Grimmchild for extra damage if you can’t utilize spells here but in need of extra damage, or Sprintmaster if you don’t feel enough control over movement. When Mantis throws his circle nail at you, you need to learn when it’s going to fly downwards first and when upwards, which depends on the Mantis position in the arena(when he throws a circle nail from the bottom, it will fly over bottom first, if he throws a circle nail when he is a little bit higher, it’s going to fly upwards first.Īlso when two Mantises throw two circles in the middle, stay by the middle throne (the leftmost side of it). Setup: Fragile Strength, Mark of Pride, Longnail, Sharp Shadow, Sprintmaster OR Grimmchild OR Shaman Stone. Stay where you are and hit Flukemarm repeatedly, gain soul, clear his minions and use Shade Soul. Setup: Shaman Stone, Soul Catcher, Spell Twister, Grubberfly’s Elegy, Soul Eater. Use Descending Dark if you can find a room for it. When he walks into you, double jump left+hit him twice/three times. Okay, so you can’t make it with option 1 for whatever reason. Setup 2: Fragile Strength, Mark of Pride, Longnail, Soul Catcher, Shaman Stone.

If you somehow reached the left corner before he died, double jump and repeat until he dies. When he walks into you, hit and go just a little bit backwards. When he jumps at you, shadow dash the other direction. Setup 1: Mark of Pride, Quick Slash, Longnail, Heavy Blow, Fragile Strength. Overall, the only change in this fight is her attack and movement speed, which shouldn’t be a problem. Worth noticing that beams from Grubbefly’s Elegy doesn’t push her spike balls. Like with False Knight, if you can’t beat her Greenpath version, you shouldn’t be reading this. Play carefully, don’t forget that her needle comes back, and git gud. Not much to say about the bossfight itself. Setup: Shaman Stone, Fragile Strength, Mark of Pride OR Grubbefly’s Elegy, Sprintmaster, Quick Slash. When he goes in the middle, strike him repeatedly. Don’t stay very close to him and slash via nail, use double jump to dodge shockwaves and dash left (if he stands at the right part of the map) from any other attack.